Our mission is to feed the spirit and the body through the word of GOD.

Our projects

Worship and praise

Feeding the hungry

Feed For All Seasons commits itself to bringing spiritual enlightenment to those who seek a closer relationship with God. The organization brings the word of GOD to poor communities in the San Carlos, Negros Occidental area every Saturday, through praise and worship services and Bible story classes for the children.

Most of the people reached through Feed For All Seasons are poor, most not having enough to buy adequate food. Feed For All Seasons not only provides weekly hot meals to them, but also gathers foodstuffs to give out for those who need it to take home to their families.

Children's education

So many of the families in our communities are so poor they sometimes cannot even afford to send their children to school. Feed For All Seasons provides learning materials to them every week, and as funds are available, pays tuition and books for children who otherwise wouldn't get an education.

Animal husbandry

Feed For All Seasons has a livelihood program designed to help some of our community families to earn money. We purchase piglets and feed for three months for our beneficiaries to help raise the pigs to be sold for profit. The goal is to promote a work program to provide profit to both beneficiaries and FFAS.

For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.

- Mark 10:45