Children's education

What we do

Children are our future, and we must not only protect and care for them, we must ensure they grow up with the knowledge and skills to be successful in the world.

Every week, we give local children in attendance small scholastic lessons to complete, from basic alphabet and numbers to more advanced material, dependent on their abilities.

We also fund school expenses, such as books and tuition, for children too poor to afford school. Because of limited money available, this program is just starting out. We are currently paying school costs for one little girl in the the community who otherwise couldn't go to school.

In the beginning

We recognized a huge need for funding education in the local communities. So many of the residents here are farmers, or market sellers, or even homeless, and cannot afford to send their children to school.

Support from local communities

We work with local schools and barangay officials to identify children in need and provide material for them to study, as well as those who simply cannot afford to go to school and need financial assistance.

The fruits of our labor

The children here love to study and learn, and with each child given the opportunity to further their education, we are bettering and protecting the future of our communities.

Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it.

- Proverbs 22:6